The label just released its 2nd and 3rd album, and is now busy working on a fourth release. All music released by us you can stream for free, download (some for free) or buy in digital and physical form on this site. We will not release anything on big platforms like Spotify because we don’t agree with their business model, although some of our artists may do on their own. We believe it does not reward any of the talented artists, expect for a few big fish and record companies.
If you want to stay up to date with what we are doing you can follow us on facebook, get on our maillist here or come back to this site at a later date. To reach us with questions, demo’s (ask yourself is it obscure / underground music before you sent it to us), something went wrong with your order, or anything; sent us an email at: flip@floprecords.com.
Flop out…